⚔️Battle Basics

Battles are the heart of Meme Royale, allowing coin communities to compete for dominance and liquidity. They add an exciting, strategic element to memecoin trading.


  • Coins can attack others to steal liquidity and convert holders

  • Victory determined by which coin "pumps the hardest"

  • Battles last 15 minutes to 6 hours

  • "Last Stand" feature gives losing coins a chance to comeback

  • High taxes on selling during battles

Battle Basics

  • Coins can attack other coins to steal their liquidity and convert holders

  • Victory is determined by "which coin pumps the hardest?"

  • Battles have a maximum duration based on the combined market caps of the coins involved (15 minutes to 6 hours)

Starting a Battle

This is an advanced topic, and is not essential to enjoying Meme Royale. You can simply join in on other battles which are already underway.

However, if you want to become a raidlord you can read more on proposing battles here.

During a Battle

  • Pump (buy) your coin to support it in the battle

  • Watch the pump-o-meter to track progress

  • Avoid selling, as there are high "chicken taxes" for dumping during a battle

The battle's outcome is determined by a formula that takes into account:

  • The relative size (market cap) of the two coins

  • What each coin stands to gain from winning the battle (change in market cap from stealing the liquidity)

  • Time elapsed (as time runs out, the criteria to win becomes easier)

  • Who started the battle (the aggressor loses in case of a tie)

Last Stand

If your coin is about to lose, it enters "Last Stand" mode:

  • A 2-minute period to make a comeback

  • Only the losing side can buy (winning side buys and sells are frozen, losing side cannot sell)

  • Losing side must meet the redemption criteria to continue the battle

This feature prevents battles from ending too abruptly and gives communities a chance to rally.

Battle Outcome

The winning coin:

  • Receives the liquidity from the losing coin

  • The pot of liquidity accrued from the in-battle "chicken tax" is used to buy and burn the winning coin, reducing supply and pumping price further

  • The winning coin gets a glorious "victory pump" from the forced buy-in

The losing coin:

  • Becomes "rekt" and can no longer be traded

  • Holders can convert their coins to the winning coin

Battle Strategies

  1. Community Coordination: Use social media and chat groups to coordinate buying efforts during battles.

  2. Timing is Key: Pay attention to the battle duration and plan your moves accordingly. The time decay means the battle becomes gradually easier and easier to win -- but what if your opponent makes the first move?

  3. Defend Smartly: If you're being attacked, consider the cost-benefit of defending vs. letting your coin be converted.

  4. Use Last Stand Wisely: If you enter Last Stand, make sure you have enough community support to mount a significant comeback.

Remember, battles are high-risk, high-reward events. They can dramatically change the fortunes of a coin, so participate wisely!

Last updated